Association „Neaizmirstule” /”Forget-me-not”/
Aglona Association “Neaizmirstule” was created by a volunteer group on July 19, 2006. The association was registered on September 12, 2006.
In 2010, changes were made to the Association Board. The statutes of the Association were approved in a new wording. It was extended the scope of Association. One of the fields of activity of the Association is a civil society formation in Aglona region.
It is a non-profit organization which has been established to achieve the objectives of the statutes.
The main objectives of activities of the Association:
to raise self-esteem, to promote self-education and lifelong learning, to develop charity, to maintain and promote harmonious family, to improve the quality of life, to promote civic participation, to organize and support the law enforcement and public events, to promote the exchange of experience and cooperation with other organizations and institutions, to develop civil society.
Association operates in the public interest. The organization deals the issues related to the welfare of the people. 5 persons voluntarily operate in Associations Board.
The mission of the Association: to promote public integrity to achieving higher living standards and strengthening civil society by combining, informing and educating the members of on-governmental organizations.
The objectives of the association are:
- Charity;
- Harmonious family care and promotion;
- Improving the quality of life;
- Promoting civic participation;
- Extension self-confidence, self-education, lifelong learning
- Organization and support the law enforcement events
- Organization and support the public events;
- Exchanging of experience and cooperation with other organizations and institutions.